
There are many entrepreneurship resources on campus at Cornell that are accessible to graduate students. Here we outline a number of those resources for reference:

Entrepreneurship at Cornell
The gateway to everything entrepreneurial at Cornell University.

Blackstone Launchpad
Campus based entrepreneurship program, accessible by over 500K students globally by the end of 2015, designed to support and mentor students, staff and alumni – regardless of major, experience or discipline.

Cornell College of Engineering

Cornell Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST)
Provides training opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars to prepare you for careers that could take you beyond conventional academic research.

Life Changing Labs
Non-profit incubator that supports Cornell’s top entrepreneurially minded students through running the summer incubator program, providing the opportunity to get hands on experience with startup companies, and providing mentorship and guidance from experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals.

Rev: Ithaca Startup Works
Non-profit incubator that helps ithaca entrepreneurs grow their business to their fullest potential. Rev offers modern workspaces, with internet connectivity and office infrastructure, along with access to a vibrant entrepreneurial community, making it easier to create a business real, faster.